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Nick Griffins creation views

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mollykins | 12:23 Fri 23rd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

reading that thread gave me something to ponder on, what is Nick Griffin's and other racist peoples views on creation.

They wouldn't want to be decended from Africans, they'd have to believe the bible or another religious scripture, but do any of them mention what race the first people belong to?


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the bnp believe that there are three biological races (subspecies) of man:

- orientals (i.e., mongoloids or asians)
- blacks (i.e., negroids or africans), and
- whites (i.e., caucasoids or europeans)

they believe that the white subspecies is superior on account of brain size, intelligence, personality and temperament and sexual behaviour.
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aahhh, but what about the creation of man?
I assume they believe we evolved from other species.
Most orientals I've met consider themselves racially superior to blacks.
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SB but do they not believe that we all started out as black africans?
Possibly, but they think that the white subspecies that developed is superior. Nothing to do with how we started out.
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Nick Griffins creation views

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