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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:29 Sat 24th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
It's the weekend! Looks like it's going to be sunny too. About time, says I.
Have a happy day everyone.


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good morning wbm - very quiet here today, they must all be sleeping in !!

trust you're keeping well - how are things on the canal ??
Question Author
Morning seeks. i think they are all making the most of the weekend.

I'm very well thank you. How about you?

We were on the canal Thursday, all is well and work on the part we are restoring is going well also.

have a look at this link. it will show you what it is all about.

There is a very good photo gallery.
I'm good too, thanks. thanks for the link, will go and enjoy when I've got my lot sorted !!
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I think you will find it interesting seeks. I hope so anyway! :-) We are based at Saul Junction.
Good morning everybody :-)
Beautiful here in the Black Country,off to Bristol today Ooooooohhh arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Have a nice day mee luverrrrsss.
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Morning mwba. Have fun in Brizzle mate.
Cheers WBM...Excuse me while I place a blatant bit of advertising :-)

Come on you Baggies! Lol.
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Nice one mwba. I've just done the same above!
Morning everyone

Back at work today for 6 days after having a week off sick. Not looking forward to it especially when the weather outside is still beautiful.
Have a good day all
Question Author
Morning TOH. Ain't fair, is it. :-(
Morning all! Warming up nicely xoxo
Morning all :-)

It's my Nans 80th birthday party today. Not that she'll know anything about it......
Yet another beautifull day here in Notts, I was surprised how many people were out and about, normally at 06.00 Max and I never see a soul when we're on our morning stroll but today everybody seems to be taking advantage of the weather

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Good morning early birds!

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