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suggesting avatars for ABers

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mollykins | 15:00 Fri 23rd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
A place where you can place sugegstions for avatars for ABers, whether they have one or not.


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Craft - needs a pic of a bottle of gin
I like my avatar - I think it suits me
a steaming turd would be nice Molly
thanks x
i have a pic of a turd bobbi, you're welcome to it.....
yes please
can I borrow your flinging poo to go with it..ha-ha
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I'm keeping mine. I like having my own image as my avatar!
it's vert like Joyce Grenfell LL ♥
but Lottie, you look so incomplete without a turnip in your hand
You can have my avatar if you wish, boobi :)
chicken chuck....
arhhh yes I love a good steamer Chuck,,lol
Avatar now changed Mrs Chappie!!
I mean Mrs Overall!!
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What about some mad science or something like dr nick off the simpsons for squad?

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suggesting avatars for ABers

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