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Am I allowed whiskey for my sore back?

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flobadob | 20:44 Sat 24th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
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Then yes
What to rub into your back what a waste...
Question Author
Might drink it instead then poodicat.
yeah, get someone to rub it in, how the frig anyone drinks the stuff is beyond me.
Must admit I can't stand whiskey myself. A cold coke will do me right now.
Of course you are flobadob! It's medicinal isn't! and if it soothes your pain, go for it!...............
Sacrilege! rubbing alcohol is all right but not whisky, drink it up with a dash of dry ginger.
Unless you're Muslim, yes ...
Although Cannabis might be more efficacious ...
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No drugs about vagrant except alcohol. Jameson and pepsi working its wonders as we type. Shame its near the bottom of the bottle, due to my last medicinal usage.

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Am I allowed whiskey for my sore back?

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