Lest you think I have abandon you again, I am leaving this morning for a 3 day Girls trip to New Jersey.There are 5 us going and the other 4 are leaving the kids and husbands home! It should be fun. We will go to the lake and BBQ and consume copious amounts of alcohol.
I leave you in the care of Buenchico, Pasta and NoMercy in my absence. :)
have a good break, it always sounds like a very rural place but my Dad's great Aunt is buried in the Jersey City cemetary and I had a look at the area online and it looked quite built up like a proper metrolops
This is a lake community. My dear friend's parents have a 2 bedroom vacation cabin. They were generous enough to let us use it. I think there are two nice size lakes where boats can go out and such. I have not been there in almost 20 years.