I have been on contract with my mobile phone for some years and Ive finally had enough of being ripped off. I want to go with asda PAYG as I now have a landline. I dont need to pay £15 a month on contract as £5 pay as you go would be sufficient. At present people can contact me, but I can't dial out. I cancelled my direct debit. I paid £25 twice to have my number changed because I had a stalker who managed to get my number. Why didnt the company just tell me to get a new sim card? This isnt the only issue Ive had with them. I dont really want to have to buy a new phone if possible. What are my options? Is my phone locked or blocked? and what is the difference. What can I do to be on mobile with the least expense to myself. Your advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
is your mobe on vodaphone if so it will take asda mobile (i'm on there)if not ask the people you with for the unlocked code then you can put youe asda sim in