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Best way to package this up.... help please ?

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sythai | 11:21 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
Hi there,

I need to send a parcel which is 22kg and measurments are 350mm x 350mm x 500mm but it's got to be packaged up so it's very secure and undamagable....I'm returning a faulty home cinema sub woofer still under warranty, so they pay the postage luckily.

But need help on best way to do this? Where do I get a cardboard box that strong and the right size, and whats best to surround it with ?

Many Thanks,



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Are you sure you don't have to return it in it's original box? Sometimes this is a condition of return.
Pop down to your local self storage place they normally sell a range of cardboard boxes and packing material.

I'd wrap it in bubble wrap and then use packing beads to pad it out.
Question Author
Nop it can go back in any box no problem with that.... just curious what are packing beads?
small polystyrene beads. You can get them in the shape of quavers too.
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ok great thank you know what you mean now....

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Best way to package this up.... help please ?

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