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trevorjones | 12:40 Sun 25th Jul 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
(The answers are things or activities that make you mobile)
12,The boy's limb is intertwined (6)
14, Should we travel by road or ice.(12)
23, Does it feel all blown up (6)
28, Do you need ice on the wooden floor (10)
39, Come,fast,before fifty (5)
40, Lost a race (9)
Thanks in advance for any help


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12 anagram of word for 'the boy's' and the name of a lmb
40 anag
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still don't get number 12 Mamyalyne am i being thick or what?
12) Try a pronoun
23) Could this have anything to do with hot air?

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