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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:20 Tue 27th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Tuesday and the sky is grey. Yesterday turned out very hot while still overcast for most of it.
Oh well. have a happy day everyone.


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We were in New Street the other week. My son was not impressed. Then on the way home, said son caused us to miss the train when he didn't come back from the toilet. Tried to have a drink near the kids allowed...!!! Turned out ok in the end....sat next to a young lad on the next train who didn't stop talking to us. He was also on tag and had his tag phone in his bag that didn't stop ringing.

If you've never seen a tag phone they are a similar size to a pay phone...

Plus he was on the wrong train...they wouldn't let him he jumped over the gates. All very amusing.
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That's always a good way to start the day! ☺
I don't know Birmingham. Been to the NEC and the airport...
Typical day at New Street then.

When I took the train down to see Bobs the other week, some poor student guy got his bag stolen. The thief almost knocked me to the ground making his getaway. On the way back, when the world cup final was on, I saw this mother screaming at and dragging her little child around like a ragdoll. She was definitely on something.
Im reminissing now. I used to live near where the old Bham airport was.As kids We often used to go up there and watch the planes coming in and out. Now that airport is like the cargo part and a restaurant /hotel I think. Our house was right in the flightpath and the planes used to nearly knock your chimney off and you could hear them revving up at night.
There was two other people with no tickets on he train. It was funny watching them try to hide in the toilets...
morning wbm and all, having a lie in this week no work, lovely sunny morning here ,going to broadstairs for the day lets hope it stays nice have a good day all xx
Morning wtbm, very rarely catch you , waves to ya x
sunny and bright in the NE, here's hoping ?
good morning all raining as normal left gran canaries with sun and blue skies oh well 10 weeks break was not bad i suppose. andy
The sun has just broke through......
Morning all. Why is there a little beach scene, deck chairs and a sun umbrella, at the top of the AB page? It's damp and coolish here in Belfast. No weather for sunbathing.
It is summer ya know.....
TOH, they built a new terminal at Birmingham Airport many years ago, but still use the same runway.

There is a crossways runway that was occasionally used for smaller aircraft in high crosswinds, and I don't think it is ever used these days.
I have a fear of flying...but I'll grin and bare it to get to my destination. I flew to the Isle of was a toy plane that held about 30 passengers. I have never been so scared....
I went on a 14-seater from St. Lucia to Union Island. That was a bit hairy... lol
That was the stewardess
Haha Hopkirk...

Scary isn't it NoM....? I took the boat back...
No flight attendant, Hopkirk. Just a pilot who had to open his window to see where the runway was... I was holding onto my packed lunch for dear life.

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Good morning early birds!

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