I have dragged a load of files to my external hard drive as instructed and have a page load of files.
However I have missed something as there is no space been used on the external hard drive.
Duh!!! where did I go wrong?
Answers in plain simple idiot proof English
I presume the drive shows up as such under 'My Computer'. Just open the ext.drive by double clicking it and copy the files that you want to copy and click once in the ext.drive page and paste. If the file(s) is of considerable size you should see a small window pop up somewhere showing the progress of the operation.
Once finished and confirmed that the writing has been successful you can then delete the files from the original drive if you so want.
It looks as though I just have a page of File names om my KDrive (External hard drive) so now I need to know how to make sure the actual files are there as well.
My CDrive is almost full
To follow up my last post, I'm really confused now, have I got to drag the file names back to the hard drive (as the contents are obviously still there, or is there a way of copying the contents ontpo the hard drive?