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Told neighbour she'll need her asphalt

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McMouse | 10:03 Tue 27th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
before I get started on the back entry.


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yer daft git...ha-ha
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Well this ones been a bummer Bobbi.
My neighbour uses vaseline, so I hear.
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Been waiting for ages to have a go at the back entry but it's been blocked since the coalman left his load there.
Ugh. I hope she washed everything down after the coalman had been. Or at least douched sufficiently.
Sounds like it needs a good tidy up
Do you douche after the coalman has tipped his load rinks?
I haven't had a coalman round the back for ages.....
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Well once the back entry is done I'll have a clear run to her veg garden and she'll be pleased.
The phrase "Brace yourself Sheila, I'm coming in......" springs to mind.
Don't forget to trim the bush while you are there mousey
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Bush trimming will have to wait until it's all raked over and I've sown the seed.
Oh dear boxy isn't about is she? She hates it when we talk about lady gardens.

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Told neighbour she'll need her asphalt

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