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Pants off tonight then love......?

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Bbbananas | 10:20 Tue 27th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
This was my ex's way of saying he's in the mood for a bit of the other....

It used to crease me up, and still does, even though I haven't heard it for a while!
Does your partner have an expression they use to suggest they want sex or a bit of hanky panky?


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Pants? Who wore them him or you?
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Both of us. Mostly.
When the kids were little, we used to say that after they had gone to sleep we would have a game of Monoploy, can't remember why.

Now I am asked if I am bored :-)
Your a sharp one sala ill give you that. Lol.
Personally Iuse many phrases but the one I like the most used to be done over the phone or via txt. "Baby you just know Im going to rock your drawers tonight"!
True and always got a laugh.
My oh is usually quite blunt and will just ask if I fancy a sh@g.
Bill would blush to his non-existent roots if were to tell
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Oh go on..... he won't know....!
i have an expression i use with my wife........

"it's xmas hunny, can i please have a shag ?"
Sit on my face and tell me that you love me!
he' often looks over my shoulder and has a giggle at some things on here he might!
In the beginning with my ex I would say "Bank Holiday tomorrow" and towards the end of the relationship it would be "Goodness, Olympics on again so soon"
My ex used to say something that I am not sure I should post its so cringy
Ginger just looks up....
-- answer removed --
lol red
A dirty look, followed by the phrase 'rudies?' and a bit of eyebrow wiggling...
^^^ Lmao!
Brace yourself Sheila ..... I'm coming in. [:o)
Only joking ..... and my names not really Sheila. [:o)

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Pants off tonight then love......?

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