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ASBO's being abolished

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McMouse | 15:01 Wed 28th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Before they go who on AB should get one and why?


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snags and vibes for bread abuse
Mcfluff for frequent avatar abuse
Lofty for taste and decenty abuse and causing one to gag on reading her post... She knows what I'm talking about! ;oP (Wub wuuuuu really).
You're hush your gums.. :-)
not unitl you zip your flaps

anyway its not me vibes keeps hacking my account
Well thanks China ;o). A Kaftan has replaced the nightie and the leg is healing well!!
I'm pleased to hear it 'holey'.... ;oP
Yeah yeah yeah Fluffy....I believe ya..!
Are they being abolished? Oh good. Does that mean I can get that huge stack of fireworks out of the garage and run around at midnight letting them off? Or maybe a little urinating in other peoples` gardens while daubing "***" on their fence.
Happy days
Blimey, that word got deleted quick
Neti should be given two..anti social bazoom orders ;o)

oh dear, I'd better leg it > > >
lol....I think Naomi should have one for knowing too much :-)
What about me for being a teenager?
We all assumed you'd already got one for that reason.
Bobbi, for being far more rude and suggestive than should be desirable or necessary at her age :-)
i'm as good as gold. Infact I was about to write something in 'family' quickly.

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ASBO's being abolished

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