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Tiny Split Pea Lighter where to find?

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jackbaure | 01:32 Wed 28th Jul 2010 | How it Works
7 Answers
i am sorry if this is wrong section, i am looking for tiny split peanut lighter for sell in uk i didnt find any website to buy one or to shape for uk , if you know please help me.
thank you very much


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No doubt one of your mates will be on later to let us know...
Why would you want to light tiny split peanuts?
advert alert....
I'm not sure there's an ad coming in this case. Jackbaure has asked questions previously which haven't resulted in ads, and he does ask some pretty odd questions. I'm not sure English is his first language.
I liked his question trying to track down an obscure song with the lyrics "Aysa Aysa baby"
Google peanut lighters - they do exist - I can only find US sites that sell them.
Seems nobody checked out Ebay...
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thank you every one, English is not my first language so i just asked a question if you know help me with it.

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Tiny Split Pea Lighter where to find?

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