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mollykins | 21:26 Wed 28th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Is it better or worse?

It took me a minute fathom the recent post box out, but how many other changes are there? topics box hasn't got lots of lines, this box is slightly different, less adverts, profiles have changed . . . . what else?


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you have to be 18 now
Quite a bit molly, look back at the Ed's blog over the last couple of hours, that would save us listing all the conversations.
why is this listed in Latest Posts as "..."? Is it because the title is too long? In that case Mollykins will need to learn brevity.
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in the olden days it would have probably been shown as aaaaarrrr. . . .
no chance
Is it Morse code?
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pardon . . .
"brevity is the soul of wit" - Shakespeare

"brevity is the soul of lingerie" - Dorothy Parker
I like it. It is much 'cleaner' looking.

and it's 'fewer' adverts, not 'less' :-]

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