My local authority has issued householders with green boxes for kerbside collection for reycling of paper and cardboard. However, you are not supposed to put corrugated cardboard in the box. I receive lots of 'Amazon' style packaging and I confess it goes in the box. I just dont understand why you cannot recycle corrugated cardboard. The local authority is unable to offer a sensible explanation, merely advising that municipial waste collection sites will take it!!
Anyone know why you cant recycle the stuff - its just cardboard isnt it?
my guess would be that they only want food packaging card or similar so that the quantity is not too big for collection. If they include corrugated card they they would have a much greater volume to collect which would cost more.
Our council will take corrugated cardboard as long as it's in pieces no bigger than A4. They claim it's something to do with it bunging up the machinery if the bits are too big?
I thought it was something to do with the way that corrugated cardboard is manufactured rather than the Council being worried about volume - the green box defines the volume - they will not take anything lying outside of it.