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My son makes me laugh....

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ummmm | 16:39 Thu 29th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
11......he reckons he's going to be a part time lawyer and a bubble blower..!!


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I wanna be a bubble blower!! Can he get me some details on the training ummmm?
Sounds as though he's a sensible lad. Part time work to earn a crust and plenty of time for the important tasks in life, blowing bubbles.
Question Author
Fairy liquid and practice.

He's actually really good at bubble blowing...
Question Author
The poor cat has just got it.....
Are there any vacancies in the Bubble Blowing industry?

Is it best to go down the apprenticeship route?
Question Author
I said at this rate he could do kids parties....he said 'No..everyone would think I'm a perv'

Sign of the times :-(
Probably need a 2;1 degree for that job.
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At least he has very clean hands...
he sounds a right joker ummm, glad he's making you smile today x
-- answer removed --
what happens when his bubble bursts, as it surely will.
Turn to chewing gum?
Will that make him 'gum ummmm' (;-))
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Yep....he will never leave my side if I'm sad. He does talk too much though...!!

Bubble king....he's really good. I'm not joking. He can make squares..
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The nasty one has gone out...

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My son makes me laugh....

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