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Should boxing be banned?

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anotheoldgit | 12:18 Thu 29th Jul 2010 | News
36 Answers

As previously reported parts of Spain has banned Bull-Fighting.

Should boxing now be banned in Britain?

I know the report of this woman being killed whilst Kick-Boxing, happened in the USA, but it could quite easily have happened in the UK.

Why the need for this barbaric sport? We even encourage the young to take up this 'sport'

Two humans trying to hit one another's head, hard enough to make them unconscious, it does not make sense.


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Lets just ban anything where someone 'might get hurt or possibly killed' then sit back in our armchairs with our crash helmets and high vis vests and wait for death.
Or, lets have fun or take up 'dangerous' sports and live a bit close to the edge sometimes.
Although I dislike boxing I am still going to watch my cousin knock his next opponent out .
if it's in a burka, then yes,,,:-0)
ummmm.......I like your thinking, kind of logical in an illogical way.
I haven't been able to go so far....I can't bare the thought of having to watch someone hit him. He understands....and doesn't like the thought of me running up to the rings attacking his opponent....

So far it's been knock outs in the first I will go to the next match...
H Jake - They do all wear head guards, mitts, shin guards, 'feet', groin guards, and gum shields and most fights are in leisure centres. Usually they are on mats but occasionally on the floor.

At summer camp in Clacton a few years ago I slipped on a patch of sweat during a sparring training session. Pulled muscles and couldn't train for weeks, was in pain too :-((
Quote:....... if it's in a burka, then yes,,,:-0)

Bobbisox, you are a one!!! : -)
Would there be as much interest in boxing if the fighters wore helmets that protected them from serious brain injury?
Even Ali didn't avoid enough punches, judging from the shape he's in now.
well the burka is normally the 'in' topic in News
Steve's on the right track: ban boxing gloves. People punch much harder knowing they're not going to break their hands.
JNO's watched QI as well ;-)
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Hey Haggis,

I love watching the martial arts when they're on telly. I used to do a body combat class as a keep fit (hurt leg, not able to at the moment) and I got quite inspired to take up kickboxing, trouble is, I'm not very good and suspect I'd end up rather badly hurt! I didn't know there were weights involved in kickboxing or martial arts though, s'interesting. (I would have thought if you were a particularly large person, you'd be rubbish at martial arts as I thought the idea was to be quick and flexible? I've probably just made a massive generalisation!)
no, I haven't watched QI, did they cover the subject? It was just something that was pointed out to me donkeys' years ago, probably in the time of Sonny Liston.

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