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did any of you back my winning tip today....

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stokemaveric | 21:54 Thu 29th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
thats a 14/1 winner a 4/1 winner and a 9/2 winner given by yours truly in the past should be quids in lol....


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Oh, boIIocks !
Anything this weekend?
Question Author
lol im in a rich vein of form jj....i got 7-1 on borderlescot this morning...a nice £350.00 winnings lol....
Today was the only one I've had a punt on so far (£5) so cheers for that.

And I've added your questions into Google reader to be sure of catching your future prognostications.
Question Author
i sometimes put my tips on here on a saturday morning bc but if i fancy 1 or my ''connections'' ring or e mail me i will post them as and when lol....
Im not a betting man but i am intrigued.
Question Author
lol well done you bibblebub...some you win and some you lose but im on fire this last week...
Next time, Stokey ... !

I had a good week on the Blackjack tables in Portugal last week, so I'm doing okay.
Question Author
well done jj its nice to see you are being lucky lol x

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did any of you back my winning tip today....

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