Glitter... especially if its glued down on pictures birthday/christmas cards!! Hate hate hate the stuff.. cant even open a card if i see a speck of glitter on it.
Havent a clue why makes me feel ill at the thought lol Thankgod I have a little boy not a girl
Here's a weird one.... Unpainted toenails when women wear open toed shoes. The sight of bare toenails makes my heart race & feel sick. Its probably cause i generally dislike feet!
It's a joke in our house, but I'm scared of lettuce. Not any old lettuce, just that frisée stuff that you can eat and a string of it is catching down the back of your throat while the rest of it's still in your mouth. We call in Dangerous Lettuce.
I can't watch people drinking milk, cereal, things with milk in like tea or coffee I'm fine with but a glass of milk or out of a bottle or carton...yuck!
I'm terrified of heights, not particularly unusual though.
I got a mate, he is about 6'6" and the size of a small barn with attitude to match, he terrifies people just looking at him!! he was afraid of nothing!!!!
Until he went to the top of the world trade centre and looked out of the window, it took 3 security guards to pry his fingers off the guardrail so he could step away, lololol
He is actually a gentle giant but he really looks so big and mean!