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Do ladies (part 2).....

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bobjugs12 | 21:56 Thu 29th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Like any other 'man' things?

The smell of their own farts
Watching police chases on telly
Films with guns and explosions
Football in the park
Scratching their 'intimate' areas
Real ale
Grease soaked junk food
The A Team


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I would imagine real ale makes your farts smell?
haven't tried it tho'
we ladies always need to scratch when walking , hence the 'funny' walk rather than hands down the crotch !
so what's your highest snooker break Mick?
Erm ... farts ... ahem ... erm ... yes.

I like a nice, greasy kebab washed down with a decent pint of bitter. I like mucky jokes, Blues music (does that count) and motorbikes.
Well darling... you tried to beat me in the thread-off... but sadly lost.

You challenged me to a JD drink off, but wimped out.

And you're going to lose at pool too. Accept it. Embrace it.

Mick... fluff off.
Why is it men are proud of their farts?

and why is it they think they are right all the time,

and why is it they don't know where the iron/kettle/breadbin/oven/vaccuum cleaner is when you are in the house?
it's not reall about your highest break craft, more what your average break is.
my highest break is 88 but i have never practised in my life.
and i heard Nom kicked your asss at smelly farting too bob
ayg, farts to men are like wearing a medal of honour,, the louder and the longest.♪♪♪
oh okay...........mine's 47 :-(
I didn't do any bottom coughs in Bob's company, thank you very much.
ahem...Botty Burps Oop Norf NM..ha-ha
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You didn't? So what was the smell then baby?
my farts dont smell, and i hate ale.
Your underpants, I think.
but how many breaks in the 40's though craft?
i have had many 80+ many70+ if i played 2 frames of snooker i would expect to get a 50 (if playing a numpty)
i beat Allison Fisher when she came to the snooker club. useless biitch ;o)
I think I had quite a few in the 40's...................I won enough to get into the club's second team in the WMC league.
Yea, i like snooker, darts, pool and violent films...and i dont mind men farting - we all do it.... right? ;-)

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Do ladies (part 2).....

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