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found tablets dumped!

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mollykins | 18:01 Fri 30th Jul 2010 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
Mum found some tablets dumped, without the box. We looked them up in the pill dictionary and one lots was for people with cystic fibrosis and the others were for general illnesses, what should we do?


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I wouldn't flush them, means you have to take them out of their containers - just hand them over as is.
no, i wouldn't flush them either. stuff them all in a carrier bag and give them to the pharmacist. to quote squad - ' no big deal'. :) :)
I was under the impression, sqad, that you should never flush tablets of any type down the toilet as they could harm the wildlife or something.
cazz.... <<<any decent person would take them to a chemist.>>>........;-)

Carlton, sewerage flows either into the sea or into huge sewerage depots and any drugs would be diluted to ineffectual doses to man, organisms and beasts. In any case, if that were true, most animal life would be cocaine addicts...:-)
For many years toxic chemicals were dumped at sea the fish get contaminated then humans eat the fish, No problem blame it on smoking

The Irish sea has hundreds of thousands of tons of waste dumped into it .
thetruth....blimey, you certainly have got that off your chest and basically I agree, but the thread is about a few tablets being disposed of.
Sqad as Tesco says every little helps :)

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