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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:38 Sun 01st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It's Sunday and the clouds are still lurking about.

We did manage a barbie yesterday for an 88th birthday, The old boy was pleasantly surprised surprised as he wasn't expecting it. He had a jolly time.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning WBM. I went out with my girlfriends last night for an Indian... and now I'm feeling a tad poorly. :-(

I only had a dry chicken tikka and salad.
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Morning NM. And what did you have to drink? :-)
I had one glass of tepid "wine" if that's what you want to call it. 1 Tia Maria and coke in the pub before we went into restaurant.
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To state the obvious then I think I would tend to avoid that place in future then! And the pub from the sound of it. You have my sympathy dear girl. xxx
Good morning.....from a slightly hung over Rowan .... forgot to eat all day yesterday....had a bottle of nice red wine while catching up with a friend rehydrating like mad at present... I should act my bl**dy age...too old to get away with it any more
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Morning Rowan. That'll larn ya! :-) Not a lot of fun is it! Lots of water is the solution, you'll soon feel better.
Thanks, WBM. I don't think it's going to become Delhi belly... I just feel a little off colour. x x

Rowan... great new avatar. :-)
Morning WBM and all .I say when I go out for a drink that it is not my fault that I have a hungover it's that stuff they put in the water . Have a nice day all .
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Morning wendi. I agree. It's the giggle juice they put in everything. :-)
Morning everyone, just thought I'd pop in and say a quick hi and bye for the first time in ages. Hope everyone is well and happy - have a good day xxxx
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Morning bensmum. xxx lovely to see you. Have fun!
Good morning everybody :-)
Off on a bike ride today along the canal(cut) to Kidderminster and back.
It's dry and calm at the moment so unless I fall in I don't think I'll get wet!
Five pubs along the way as well...Hmmmmmmm....
Have a good day y'all !
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morning mwba. five pubs? I'd say you are going to get wet! :-) Have fun mate.

I've got to go and get ready to sort the canal out.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all, off to the Bristol harbour festival later, hopefully the sun will come out.

Have a great day all.

Good morning wbm,, long time no see, I found you quite by accident, hope everyone is well
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good morning all, have a good day

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Good morning early birds!

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