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FAO NoMercy

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bobjugs12 | 18:07 Sun 01st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Helllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo out there.

You having internet issues hun?


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No, she's got mullered with ummm, ginger and rowan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey gorgeous... was just out in the garden having a glass of wine. :-)

Pansie... how are you, babe?x x

I met Rowan today and had a couple of drinkypoos with her... but Ummmm and Ginger couldn't make it. :-(
aww mind you Im not surprised given ummm was sick yesterday
Well I hope you had a good time with Rowan. Ummm really has not been well just lately so I can't blame her! Just think of the riot you will have when you all meet up!!!
I spoke to her on the phone earlier, Barmaid. We are going to reschedule.. so hopefully we'll arrange another date that will afford many others the opportunity to join in the big meet up. :-)
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Ooooh, can I come, can I come????

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FAO NoMercy

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