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Human rights what Human rights

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Loosehead | 14:28 Thu 21st Jul 2005 | News
43 Answers
Just reading about the court decsion on the case of a teenager using the HR act to stop the police enforcing a  curfew. Apparently it is against his "human right". Am I the only who thinks that only criminal scum have human rights? I mean what about my human right to live in peace or the human rights of the population to protect itself from the depraved scum that are our youth these days? Old ladies can't even put up barbed wire on their back fence in case the poor darlings hurt themselves. The HR act in my mind is being totally misused and is unncessary, I remember when we used, what has become rare these days, Common sense.
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OK, I accept that I could have used less abrasive language, I was a bit angry at the time. While I'm here, I wasn't ever saying "all" to any of the points, if you don't say all you mean some, sorry if the message got confused. Of course I accept that a majority of young people are not of the type described. I also welcome chompu's point about the disruption of their education. I still don't think we need the HR act. Despotic Regimes in Africa need that. No one has there HR's violated in Britain, not really. It just seems to me that it is all too often used as a shield for the guilty as chompu says. We used to have common sense that's wasn't broke so why did we fix it? It's just seems to me that lawyers are having a field day a sort of semantic ambulance chasing. 

The whole arguement made in calmer language would have carried a lot more water I'm sure! :-)  Sorry - just a couple more thoughts. 

Some people thought it was broke.  And don't confuse Human Rights lawyers with PI lawyers - they are a totaly different breed I assure you!  (I mean in character - I know that you said "semantic ambulance chasing"). 

I would also say that when you don't clarify whether you mean "all" or "some", it looks like a generalisation which can mean somewhere between "most" and "all". 

I don't tihnk the HRA has disrupted kids education.  It's crap like Clause 28 that disrupts education.  Or teachers' strikes or something.  Getting them in bed before 9pm might actually HELP their education. 

Well, for the record we live in a "nice" road and we get little scumbags in BB hats & hoodies running & rolling over our cars. I am seriously thinking of fitting a portable electirc fence unit under the hood and rigging up my video camera so I can enjoy it in the morrning. Loosehead is a realist. ACW get your idealistic head out of....the clouds. No I'm not a moaning old git...I'm a biker in his 30's well used to being a social outcast but old enough to remember when we did as the law said.

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