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accident claim?

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gina32 | 09:07 Tue 03rd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
have you had an accident and claimed for it via one of the no win no fee people, how did it go, was it easy, were they helpful, what was your experience of it?


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Be aware that these companies or solicitors take absolutely no risks with their money. They will ensure their clients take out a massively expensive insurance up front to cover any risks of losing the case. This is refundable, win or lose, but how many people can afford to do this.
It all depends on the risk.

I used them but it was a very straight forward case with no chance of losing so I got the whole award and the other side paid all the costs...

Me and my 4 year old son were knocked over on a pedestrian crossing....with about 20 witnesses...
I agree ummmm. It depends on the risk, but the vast majority of people will use normal solicitors for a case such as yours and the big no win no fee companies tend to rely on those that 'think they might have a case'.
Thinking about it.....I might have gone to a normal solicitor. It was years back....I think the police recommended one when he was charged.

He was on his phone :-(

Strange thing happened though. I've always suffered lower back pain....getting hit by a car seemed to cure it.
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lofty, have you ever used one?
ummm, maybe you shouldve paid him?? :)
lol....I would have done if he hadn't injured my knee and hip :-) and my sons head...!!
Yes, and I ended up changing to my own solicitor and got some compensation. I won't give any further information, except that an ordinary solicitor's practice will take on a case anyway and will give you sound advice and have your interests at heart. They will tell you of all the pitfalls and disadvantages. I would never use one of the 'No win, no fee' comapnies.
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i am in the process of using a no win no fee comapny of solicitors and ive found them nothing but helpful.
I hope it remains that way Gina. I was unlucky!!
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i hope so too, they are just in the process of sending me the compo.

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