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conservatory v ball v knife?

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my4ds | 16:50 Thu 05th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
how many time does a football have to hit my conseratory, and me give it back asking them not to do it again befor i can stab the blood ball?



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Next time the ball comes into your garden, hide it or destroy it. When the little oiks come round to ask for it tell them that it isn't in your garden and it must have gone elsewhere.
My mother did just that with balls coming into her yard, she ended up with 20 in her kitchen at one point LOL It was because years ago some kids climbed over to bet a ball and then unlocked the gate to leave and our dog escaped and was drowned.
In my last house the neighbours lad used to spend hours kicking a ball against their back wall. It used to sound like it was hitting my wall and drove me nuts. I never said anything until one day he kicked the ball over my fence and instead of coming round to ask me for it, he lifted my fence panel and climbed under it. I caught him doing it and the git had the nerve to say he had a right to do it because it was his property he was retrieving. I told him to just ask me next time and I would get the ball for him. He then went on a campaign of regularly (sometimes 10 times a day) kicking the ball into my garden. I eventually told him that I was going to rip his head off and spit down his neck if he did it again.... funnily enough, he stopped :)
Im with the less tolerant approach as well daffy having lived back to back to a primary school for 12yrs.Its now vacant and as its listed will remain so -so i had 5 erses running through my garden last week and climbing the school wall to escape from an Aussie tourist who also ran into my garden-.I managed to apprehend 2 of them until the Police arrived -and i didnt even have to take them by the scruff of the neck-I just roared and they sh!t themselves.Hanging baskets everywhere plus they ran past my kitchen door and I was only 5' away and I almost collapsed with the fright.

Burst their ball is my advice.
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loving the answears. lol

the matter this time has been taken out of my hands .lol as the dog has popped it.pmsl.i usualy stop her but this time i just left her to it.
i think this will be my course of action from now on.and tough Sugar to there balls.
Nice one lol !!

When I was little I used to be so scared to have to chap someones door and ask for my ball back knowing the lecture I would get..I would never ever go into someones garden or just have been complacent about it -it was a scary thing which we took it in turns to do.
Question Author
OMG can you belive this.....the little tihs came for hiball my son 8 old him it was popped so the tihs slapped hir round the face.i just went nts at him.hope his mum hurd me saves me repating it. im so angry.

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