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im off to haydock races tonight here are my tips....

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stokemaveric | 11:11 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
amazing blue sky..5.50...west leake bridge..6.20..fantasy fry..6.55..miss antonia..7.25..puy darnac..8.00 and ice viking in the having £20.00 win on all my selections..will i be in pocket?? we shall see later shall we??


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Ooooh, I might have another go....
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lol china i will post my ''winnings'' or losses on cb when i get in tonight...
Cool, took me bloody ages to get the results the other night when I backed the chilly one... I couldn't remember what race it was in lol!

I put £5 on west leake bridge, ice viking and amazing blue sky. Took prices on all of them except one which I can't remember but it was 6/4 and I was hoping it might go up at the start of the race as I used to see that happen when I worked for the bookies... But what the hell do I know, I just want to win something for a change, I feel sorely cheated by the national lottery :c)

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im off to haydock races tonight here are my tips....

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