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what a plonker i am

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berniecuddles | 11:01 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
just finished work early got home went upstairs to open window then tripped and fell down whole flight of stairs!!
2 bloody knees and one bruised elbow and a sore head too !! great start for the weekend i feel a right idiot!


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owwww, lucky you didn't do your back, I fell down 3 stairs a few years ago and couldn't sit down for a fortnight, seriously it was stand or lie down wait until tomorrow and every muscle in your body will be aching.

I've fallen down the stairs more times than I care to mention. I swear someone moves the steps...
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im still shaking from half hour ago still feel like an idiot tho!
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bloody sober too !!
We've all done it. I also fall up them quite often :-(
Good excuse for a lie down .
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oh well just had a shower,elbows the worst, all the skin come off it,never mind nice cup of tea next!!
bit of tv i think much safer
good excuse for a drink!
Ouch! Hurts more when you are sober. Just be careful with that TV control, you never know what injury that might cause!
Last time I fell down the stairs, on Christmas morning just three years ago, I ended up with a fractured vertebrae!!

Notice I said 'last time'. I'm accident prone like ummmm!!
Our downstairs loo has the staircase intruding into it and an alrm box fixed to the side of this. I smacked my bonce on the corner of it the other day and even though I'm obviously a rough-tough bluuurk, it hurt like hell.

It hurt again when I did it the next day too! DOH!!!
I fell down my stairs at home about 10 years ago.
I bumped each stair all the way down on my bum and is the reason I have such a bad bad today.
Ohh ouch

Last time i fell down the stairs was about 3 weeks ago.. stood on my jeans and timberrrrr lol did my back in wasnt good at all.. Who said losing weight isnt meant to be painful those jeans got binned :D
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Take it easy and soak the sore parts! Hope the weekend gets better.
At least no one saw you! I was busy eyeing up a workman one day and ended up doing superman right down a flight of steps - gashed my leg from knee to ankle, shredded my tights and cut all my hands. Had to get up and hobble past him :(

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