I couldn't agree with you more sara. Why is it that people like pk who complain about crap progs watch them? There is an OFF switch & you don't have to get up to use it these days. DOH!!!
Its karma getting us back for having the world cup. Personally I can zone out of it if its on int he room. Some time this month I think in answer to your question.
They've got to put a certain amount of crap on, you can't have great TV all the time otherwise we'd all be watching TV and Answer Bank wouldn't be able to exist.
But don't forget whats crap to one person might be great viewing to another.
(Example; World cup Crap Football) but you may have thought it was great!
If you don't like it ..... turn it over or off!!
Plenty of us do like it, it's easy viewing. My son likes all the Sci-Fi stuff which I can't stand so I don't watch it.... nuff said!!