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will the idiot barsteward with the fireworks....

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woofgang | 22:17 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
stuff them iup his own orifice and stop winding up my dogs please


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are your dogs clockwork?
Oh dear Woofy. What's going on!!
Question Author
Dunno, its some fool in one of the gardens nearby just started up.
I honestly think fireworks should only be used by licensed users and that any planned use should be publicised.
Oh I hate that! There's a big flash hotel up the road from me and they have firework displays quite often. My poor dog spends half his life petrified and barking his head off.
Never used to happen years ago. It seems that people have fireworks all year round now. Damn things. I love firework displays but other than that - ban them!!
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all quiet now, just got to get 32 kg of shaking dog off my lap and back to bed and get the other one who is pacing round the house settled again.
As if Nov 5th and Jan 31st weren't bad enough woofgang. Funnily enough some of my neighbours have just let off a load of fireworks - you aren't in the Bournemouth area are you?
Question Author
No ttfn, near Southampton, tother side of the new forest
Must have been ruddy great fireworks in that case woofgang ;)
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I suspect it was two idiot barstewards lol

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will the idiot barsteward with the fireworks....

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