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Child Employment Law

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alb0679 | 18:39 Mon 09th Aug 2010 | Law
4 Answers
Does anyone know the law regarding employing a child?
Our daughter was 14 in April and as a way of instilling social, personal and financial
responsibility we were looking at trying to get her some kind of 'Saturday job'.
Is she too young? And if not what are the legal constraints and consideratins?
Thank you.


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No she isnt too young. Get her up a chimney!! only joking I think its a good idea for children to learn resposibility. She will only be allowed to work a miximum of 5hours on a saturday.
I worked from 14
Check out your local council's web site
You will need a permit to enable your daughter to get work and they have all the downloads available (or at least my local council does so yours should too)


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