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large black spiders -with a fat body

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tali1 | 19:36 Mon 09th Aug 2010 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
Unearthing some bricks in garden i spotted some large black spiders -with a fat body and thick black legs- quite a beastly looking thing comparable to a House Spider
Anyone ID it please?
UK location btw


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I've got loads of different sorts in my garden, all shapes and colours. I leave them well alone, they get rid of all sorts of bugs, I welcome them.
You want somebody to ID a spider without even seeing it?

You have probably just described half the know spiders in the UK lol

just google "spider images", I'm sure there are lots of ID sites out there just waiting for you.
Question Author
Someone ID one before for me here - this one seemed distinctive hence the request
There are only two kinds of spiders, the ones that run away from you and the ones that you run away from. Which was this?
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Can't match it - needs an expert eye really as pics not to scale
I always run from away from Spiders- even though this one was running away from me!

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large black spiders -with a fat body

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