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Glorious 12th

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joggerjayne | 16:31 Wed 11th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Who's having grouse tomorrow ?

Will the grouse make it down to Sussex in time for dinner ?

(yes, yes ... I know they will improve after being hung for a while)


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i'll probably be grousing about something but no i won't be eating any
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Why is it that when some posh chaps go out to shoot defenceless birds it's the Glorious 12th, but when a few plebs go out with dogs to dig up a badger they might end up in court?
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How does one catch them, vibe ?
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you leave some white lightening and lambrini out along with some tabs and a bag of weed, then when they come along erradicate them
Ahh, now you're talking Vibes!
Mrs McM likes them well hung jj.
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Nice little play on the word "catch" there, vibe ...

I'd rather have a Goose JJ !! Goosey Goosey is far more enjoyable !! :-)))
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Glorious 12th

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