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Fao Sqad (re penicillin)

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NoMercy | 05:17 Sat 14th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Hi Sqad. Been on them for 3 days and no sign of improvment. Still a marked soreness and inflammation in the tonsils, etc. Still hurts greatly to swallow. Any ideas?

Thanks x


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Lunch out not a good idea then!
Question Author
But WBM.... I can cease to live !! ;-)
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Yes, 3 days is nothing, keep on with the penicillin and take NSAIDS e.g Ibuprofen.

I remember your past history in Spain, so it might be a good idea to repeat your bloods after the weekend.

It would seem that we are fast approaching the time when one should consider parting with your tonsils.

Update us NoM.

P.S Raining in Menorca......thank goodness.
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Hi Sqad... I spoke to my friend in Els Poblets yesterday and she said it was thrashing down with rain over there !

As for my past history, I had bloods done last year after having a throat infection which coincided with enlarged liver and spleen. The monospot came back negative but did confirm that I'd once had glandular fever - something I was already aware of. I've long wanted to part company with my tonsils but the Doc said I have to have 6 throat infections in one year to be eligible. My brother had his tonsils out as a youngster after getting Quinsey (sp?). Perhaps it runs in families?
B0llocks....6 attacks....WHY?
What is the difference between 5th attack and the 6th?

Ask him for an ENT referral.
Question Author
It does seem rather unfair. I was also told that if I had my tonsils out, I'd get more chest infections - something that the doc is reluctant to see happen as I have a low peak flow and asthma which can be exacerbated by various allergic components.

I've only just realised I put this in CB. Meant to stick it in B&S.
No big deal....there is no medical evidence to show that tonsillectomy exacerbates asthma attacks.
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If I do have to return to the docs, I'll definitely raise the subject with him.
NoM do you want me to ask around at work and see who's best locally...
Question Author
Well I live in Hereford, Rowan. I'm only up this way at weekends.

But thanks for asking. x

How are things with you? :-)
Things are pretty good....looking forward to going to wales to spend next w/end together...home is still a bit iffy but hey ho...Hows you two...seems to have gone a bit quiet....or am I not coming on site at the right time
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Bobs has been doing his driving course this week. He took 3 exams over Thursday/Friday and passed all 3 (whoop whoop !!). Now he has a whole week off to spend with his kids and make up for the time he's missed out on this summer. I may be going to see him next w/end as his parents are throwing a big party... but I'd need to arrange it with work and I'd have to feel better too.
I'll have everything crossed that you do...Congratulate him for me....XX
O NoM hope you feel better soon :(
Im with Sqad -what a lot of nonsence re the amount of tonsill attacks.Gee whiizz-they might be stopping you getting a chest infection but look what youve to go through-abject agony..
Well done to Bobjugs btw -he is doing really well !!
Question Author
He is doing very well and I'm enormously proud of him. :-)))

As for the swollen glands... don't most folk grow out of it by my age?
Sqad, absolutely peeing down here, but bit cooler! it was that awful red sandy rain ayer, but hopefully this lot is cleaner!
-- answer removed --
haha cheeky Butch ;)

I had a strep throat once NoM -just came suddenly and within an hour I was actually trying to swallow with my mouth open and head back-looked like a loony but can empathise only to a certain degree as you definitely have a chronic rather than an acute condition.:(

Think you need to get bloods taken and then just simply say youve had enough as sqad said and ask to be referred,They'll have them whipped out in no time.
Not wanting to alarm you but my cousin had the same problem as you and he was admitted as an emergency as his throat started to close up with the swelling -he had them taken out that day.He obviously could still breathe through his nose so it wasnt life threatning but bad enough to be treated pronto.
Poor you ..

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Fao Sqad (re penicillin)

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