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Come on Liverpool

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bibblebub | 09:13 Sun 15th Aug 2010 | Football
7 Answers
It's gonna be a good day. I can feel it in my water. Anyone else want to feel my water?


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you sure? it's a once in a lifetime opportunity
09:58 Sun 15th Aug 2010
I can just take your word for it Bibble, but thank you for the offer x
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you sure? it's a once in a lifetime opportunity
Tough opening match and I will be watching it on Sky Sports1 so keeping my fingers crossed for a good result
oh.... go on then ;o)
redman, your hair is looking lovely today. have you straightened it?
Well thank you sara3, I have had strict orders to smarten up by you know who !! :-))
excellent, I like a woman who knows what she wants!

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Come on Liverpool

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