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Unconditional love.

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NoMercy | 16:39 Sun 15th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
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Mamya... I think you may have just hit the nail on the head. x

Butch... of course. We none of us set out to love someone for a reason or a season... we just love them. Sometimes that love stands the test of time, sometimes it doesn't.
Did it with a tear in my eye but it is how I consider it to be.
My mum once said that parents (good parents) should always love their children, but that didn't mean that they had to like them.

Unconditional love - coming home after being out for about 5 minutes and your dog being so happy to see you.
My cats just sort of grunt and me and wander over to my shopping bags.
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Unconditional love, is what you have for me lol lol lol
Butch, you tried it, huh?
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Slug... you are nothing if not an optimist. Bless you to heaven. lol lol lol
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pmsl @ sara !
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Nomenstraul you are just nothing lol lol lol
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On the contrary... i am mentrual right now...
cool, can you post a picy so we can see
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If I had to define "anticlimax"... I would C&P your last reply....
well you would know about anticlimax better than most
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Wow... what a reply. What can I say but "underwhelming".
I don't believe in unconditional love.
I do but thats beside the Q ummm.
Ive learnt the hard way and its been a real learning curve to my sanity an to how much I could physically give to cpmpensate -not enough asd it happens and thats painful and raw.

However I was intriqued when I posted that it became a debate of how much you could love your child if they were heinious baskets.............not thankfully being in that situ.

I am of the opinion I dont know if it would be a case of how I was expected to react and how I did.react.

I guess I would carry guilt for the rest of my life as I gave that child the genes along with their father.I know I couldnt forgive but I know I wouldnt stop loving.

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Unconditional love.

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