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My daughter and her BF have announced they are going to marry (each other)

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dotty. | 20:35 Sun 15th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I'm not going to buy my hat yet as they have not booked the date, but it's bloody brilliant!


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awww congrats to Dotty Jr!

Start saving now dotty, it's gonna cost ya ;-)
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great news dot xx

Personally I would look at hats with a view to buying them ;)
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cheers , no she's not pregnant , wish she was actually, she convinced herself when she was about 20 that she'd never be able to have a baby cos of her rhiemans (sp)

I'm looking at outfits actually cazzzz, lol
My cousins getting married next June. I don't think i'll be allowed to go, my parents probably wont pay for my to go to America.
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no probs nooby I don't believe you can ever say never where babies are concerned but it's just great to see her happy and with someone who you can tell from a million miles away is exactly right for her!

Molly keep nagging them
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sorry it's reynaud's, i can never say it properly and so can never spell it! lol
nice one dotty x
my daughter is due to give birth on Wednesday
excellent news, Dot.. and as your best mate I assume I'm up for an invitation.

how exciting :o)
Question Author
ooo a little stegasaurus, I;m well jealous.

sara our side in the church might need padding out so i;ll let you know! (His side is basically the whole village, it;s a 'kick one an 12 limp' sort of place lol

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My daughter and her BF have announced they are going to marry (each other)

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