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craft1948 | 21:55 Sun 15th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

it'll either bring you down to earth or just confirm how clever you are....


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How does it work, or is it just my PC? Every time I try to choose a specialist subject it keeps going back to the same page, inviting me to do the same. Bit Groundhog Dayish!
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Don't know mike...worked okay before..
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back in a mo....Murray's serving for the match against Federer....
-- answer removed --
Can you do me a favour and give it another try just to see if it still works for you - doing my head in at the moment.
88% natural world - brain is fused
tut just answered a question about pork and they think the right answer is 'cracking', oop north we call if cracklin tut
87% in Politics. Not bad.
i got 87% on 'TV' but they asked who played napoleon Solo twice tut

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