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If someone has been a complete ar3e....

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ummmm | 16:18 Mon 16th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
How long would you leave it until you contact them?

Or would you not bother and let them suffer?


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That's what I was kinda thinking Karen....Her and OH are really good mates so he's a bit concerned. I on the other hand think she should be left to suffer.....

Phoning the police and crap like that wouldn't enter our heads. But thank God for glasses that shatter.
let her stew then suggest she needs to get some help
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Miss....I don't go out drinking with her. I was out with family to watch my cousin box.

She wouldn't do it to me...or it would never get to that point. Like I said...that was the short version of events.
i'd phone the police every time yes, she committed grievous bodily harm and she needs a short sharp shock to get her to realise what an idiot she was. If she does it again this weekend and seriously hurts someone i hope you'll not feel bad about not having tackled the issue head on ummmm
Personally I'd dump a friend like that, perhaps not the first time but if it happened again I'd not be contacting them.... I'm not particularly tolerent of drunken behaviour and while she may not be an alcoholic, if she gets violent when she has a drink then she HAS got a drinking problem, i.e she's violent when she's drunk, that's a problem.

I have absolutely no interest in people that get like that after drinking which may seem harsh I certainly don't plan on altering my opinion on it. I think it's disgusting.
I'd suspect that if she is prepared to glass a family member after a few drinks then she will probably loose her rag again at some point and injure somebody who will report her to the police.

If that's the case she will get prosecuted and you'll not have to worry about her any more.

Now you just have to decide if you can handle the possibility of somebody else getting seriously hurt because you have done nothing this time..

Personally I'd report her to the police, it was lucky it was not serious this time, she needs to learn a lesson!
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Glad I'm not related to you Dot..!!!

I agree China. It's totally disgusting and I'm pretty shocked by it. I understand people have fall outs....and I'm not the calmest person in the world, but to do something like that to your brother. I just can't get my head round it.

She fell out with me before over her I think she might have issues shes not telling us about (they have different Mothers)
several others have agreed with my opinion on her, what has being related to anyone got to do with dealing with a drunken thug?
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I don't think she'd hurt anyone else Chuck....I do believe she has deep rooted issues with him.

Like I said she fell out with me over him (he use to live with me) just because I took his side in an argument...
To be honest ummmm, I really don't see what dot's suggesting as that bad, a short, sharp shock might be enough to inspire her to seek some other outlet to her problems. She's clearly got them but I don't think it should be an excuse for behaviour like that. Especially not to a family member.
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Because she's not a drunken thug. She can be unpleasant when she's had a drink...but this is the first time I've known her to do something like this. It's not like she does it every weekend...
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It's just not done in our world China.....
At the risk of being a tad controvertial here ummmm, would your opinion be the same if it was the bloke who had glassed his sister in the face?

Just a thought :-/
yes it is quite unpleasant having a glass pushed into your face in a busy pub, almost embarrassing , dear me.
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Hit the glass Dot....not pushed into his face. She hit the glass he was holding.

Miss....probably not.
That world was always too small for me ummmm....
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You know where I'm coming from then....

It's not ideal...but such is life..
Aye, I know it... But I didn't agree with it growing up and I don't agree with it now. I'm pretty glad I'm not a part of it anymore, I found it stiffeling (sp).
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All is forgiven now...just spoke to him. She's apologised and agreed to curb her drinking when she goes out. Which I must admit is not that often....

I think her Dad, who's a lovely man (Jackthehat can confirm that) has had a stern talking to her..

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