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odd question, but...

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lumination | 12:46 Tue 17th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
you kow you can find trousers that are a normal length but then there is a zip to make them into three quarter lengths... do they have a special name or something? better still does anyone know where i could get a pair?!


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They are simply known as Zip off trousers and if you Google they are available in lots of places depends if they are required to be waterproof etc then you need to go to an outdoor clothing retailer.
Question Author
oh i see, no i dont really.
im also trying to find womens swimming shorts, you know i dont have to show too much leg lol. they prove hard to find!
What's the difference between swimming shorts and normal shorts?

A shop like this might do something you're after. I love this shop...
"What's the difference between swimming shorts and normal shorts?"

They definitaly won't go see-through when you get in water.

(Yes I have been caught out by that!)
Question Author
oh no chuck! i would go bright red! yeah my legs are ok but i would rather wear some shorts with a top when swimming lol ill check out that website now though, thanks ummmm
Lol....I know the mens ones have the mesh pants inside...not sure about girls ones though. The shorts I've got from two seasons are fine for swimming....and wading back after being chucked into the duck pond :-(
Lumination....they have really good sales as well. And they do a loyalty get 1 stamp per every £10 spent. After 6 stamps you get £10 off any purchase over £20.

As it's the shop I mainly shop at...that's good for me.
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who would chuck you in a dusk pond? lol
Question Author
"who would chuck you in a dusk pond? lol "

And is there a waiting list? :-p
can i get on it?

woukld a tankini short do something like this but you can get ones with a longer top
Question Author
i found one that i think is perfect! its off the website ummmm gave me, so thanks for that! that asos one wasnt quite what i was looking for, think you would have to have a good figure for that!
Which ones did you go for?

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odd question, but...

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