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Doesn't the girl on the Yahoo sign-in page have nice tats

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sandyRoe | 07:34 Wed 18th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers


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do you have a Barbie doll, Sandy?
Question Author Why do you ask?
isn't the yahoo girlie a cartoon figure?
thats wilma flintstone youre thinking about Sara
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I know they're not real tattoos.
can we have a link, please?
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Links are too technical for me, sorry. She's on the sign-in page for yahoo mail.
that was really helpful. beejay, so it was :o)
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I think they're called 'sleeves'. Maybe not to everyones taste.
They are obviously just painted on.
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I can't see her. My sister has half a sleeve, it's pretty but I'm damn glad it's not on me!
Damn, I thought you meant baps.
I think i might like the stars on her arms, hard to see them really- im personally not into the shoulders of women being tattooed though.

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Doesn't the girl on the Yahoo sign-in page have nice tats

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