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where did my fao thread disappear to?

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Bobbisox | 11:32 Wed 18th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
what was wrong in there?


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sqad will need his own little section then instead of fao
And she sucks oysters through her teeth....
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it's more than likely to do with me referring to an earlier thread and telling looby I had answered her in it, looby has possibly told the ED to remove the thread altogether as she feels it has run its course....but my answer to here was a friendly one I want her to
hi bobbi, noo i didnt ask the ed to remove it, why would i do that.
noo, i replied to your fao, saying 'thanks bobbi, i just saw it, ta' and the next thing it was zapped.
so noooo, nowt to do with me and the paul daniels disappearing act lol
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well thats sorted then
glad we have solved the mix up x
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mind you that makes it even more confusing why it was zapped
yesterday you love me today you insult me, its all over i tell yee

and as for you ummmm just wait....
yeah lol, but all sorted now....

im just wondering if he'd get rid of that 'other' thread too?!

it didnt take off how it was intended to lol, it was meant in a harmless enough way, but it all got a bit tangled up and messy .. :o(

and anyway, lol, ive changed me mind, i dont have any niggles with anyone really, not that it was a major niggle in the first place, so why i posted it, gawd only knows! lol

so mr ed... if youre looking in, how about zapping that other thread please too, yes? might aswell, it was a pointless post, and its just taking up pages that could be put to better use?! :o)
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nahhh it was fine looby, no one was saying anything nasty in there, it was a good 'debate' let's
Just back from a meeting - Bobbs- I was joking / lying with the 'it's banned' comment. Just felt like it ;-)
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you likkle
no worries sall x
LOL Salla. Look what you have now started, the Ed. is thinking of banning FAO's. Welcome back by the way!! x
and now look whats happened!! lol i dont beeeleeeeeve it! (<<victor meldew voice) 'that' damn thread has reared its ugly head again and is popping up again!! lol ......

oh im going for a lay down ... ;o/
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shout at the ED looby..ha-ha
im shouting!! im shouting!! lol
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I've reported it for you looby x
ta, ive just asked over on the said thread if a few can press their report buttons

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where did my fao thread disappear to?

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