I'm going to my friend's birthday party next week and the theme is bird(s). I'm really struggling for ideas. I don't have a massive budget or loads of time to make something really keen. I've thought about an ostrich but not sure how to get the big bunch of black and white feathers. I want to go as something cool yet clear what exactly I'm supposed to be dressed as! Thanks for any help/ideas.
Go as a peacock. You need a few feathers on a headband, a bright blue t-shirt, and a big bunch of peacock feather fanned into a tail fixed to the back of a pair of leggings. You can buy feathers on eBay, I bought a load a while back as peacock colours was the theme for our wedding.
I just had a look on this site, loads of cheap sexy costumes. http://www.otleyrunfancydress.co.uk Media URL: http://www.otleyrunfancydress.co.uk Description: Cheap fancy dress costumes