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without naming names....

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looobylooo | 16:04 Tue 17th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
289 Answers
i know the majority of us dont know each other in real life, so weve only got the 'personality' that comes across on here on the site, to go on..

but are there any ABers that you just cant seem to take to for whatver reason, and why?

ive just got the one, i think, that i cant take to.. and theres no real reason behind it to be honest, its just they kind of ..errm... well they just kind of annoy me a tinsy winsy ...


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yep count, those protective arms must be getting full ;)
cazz....there will always be room for you my love.
I will decline to allow the harem to breathe ;)
cazz....Believe me I know how we feel about each other and unlike other posters, we will not allow the private love for each other be exploited in public. I quite understand and will phone you to say goodnight later.
sqad, give it up, there is no love, its not going to happen, go and pester your the nicest possible way of course..
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there was one but is no longer a poster on here
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Stay the way you are're fine.
I must say I take issue with someone's remark that the 'oldies' would fall for sqads 'lines'.........neverrrrr!! I just find that sort of talk smarmy in the extreme. But then...sqad has never chatted me up. I am undoubtedly too old (not good for the ego), and I called him 'Hun' once....a no-no in his book....phew!!

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without naming names....

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