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Breweries of Britain quiz

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tox | 13:06 Wed 18th Aug 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Found I have still two to go, cannot decide on which to actually put in!!!!!
Q53 - Is it very windy here - Gales; Storm Brewing or Blewitts?
Q66 - ...we have a problem! (we hope it isn't finding the answers) - Brains?

Loved the quiz, however, it does require some deep thinking.

Very many thanks in advance for assistance to those clever, deep thinkers!!!!!


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Houston---We have a proiblem
I have got for number 66 Gales, but just to confuse things even more a friend had put High Force. I wonder if you can help me with my last one which has me baffled Q48 The future was bright with this network. Would appreciate any help.Like you I loved the quiz & have put others to one side as was enjoying this one so much.
48.....It's an advertising slogan
I have answered your query already this evening but doesn't seem to be coming up so will try again, maybe you will get it twice.
I have put Gales for Q53, but for extra confusion a friend has got High Force !!!
I wonder if you can help me with Q48 The future was bright with this network, my last one but has me completely baffled. Would appreciate any help.
I'm trying to help, birdie 73.
It's an advertising slogan ...The future's bright , the future's ??????
Thanks ladyalex, I appreciate your help, some confusion over getting query put on hence the reason for duplication so obviously had not seen your reply.

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Breweries of Britain quiz

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