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I bid you all a good night...

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Bbbananas | 16:39 Thu 19th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
... I may be banned by tomorrow.

What with the lip twiddling gag and the comments about my dear beloved mother, Ed may find it necessary to remove me for a while until I calm down. Or detox my mind.

You have been wonderful, I hope to see (?) you all again another time.


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...I feel sorry for Menzies Campbell, wot with the Scots pronouncing it Mingis.
I can remember when *'s on one's homework was actively encouraged
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a m!nge on your homework was encouraged?
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Was this in human biology?
What kind of school did you go to ttfn :$
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Anyway, as promised, I henceforth depart - got to visit Uncle Maurice who has been in Isolation for a month. I do hope he's up to it. Must remember the Gin and I shall be his tonic - ha ha!
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ttfn, are you the sort of person who sits on the photocopier, I've always wanted to meet someone who's done that.
I am sure it was approved missn
stars salla! Pay attention in class
send our love to Uncle Maurice, will he recognise you with that beard?
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Tony - you giggle....? How sweet xx
Certainly not boxy, nor was my favourite Agatha Christie 'the mirror crack'd'.
i;ve sat on a photocopier, wouldn't do it now i'd break the thing. somewhere there is a photocopy of my butt floating about
It is not being used as a bycycle stand is it fluff?
lol its big enough for sure :-)
LOL @ ttfn, good one..!
sorry fluff - that was unkind coming from someone who does similar for motorbikes ☺
no problems here made me laugh!
Then my day has not been a total disaster ♥
I once photocopied a sausage roll and put the picture in some conference notes.....nobody noticed.

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I bid you all a good night...

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