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Fao buenchico

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alexanderd | 22:22 Thu 19th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Hi Chris I noticed your reply re Galashiels and I know you are always helpful on here but dont you get annoyed when people dont acknowledge your help? I dont expect it every time but surely on a post like that it is only common courtesy


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Hi Alexander

I learnt a long time ago that if I post an answer that took me no more than 30 seconds to google, I nearly always get a message of thanks.

However if, as I've done before, I miss a night's sleep to research a reply (or go for a 100 mile drive to get an answer), I can almost guarantee that I'll not get any response.

Even the American guy who I met in London, to travel with on Eurostar so that I good give him a personal guided tour of Paris, never acknowledges my Christmas cards or the emails I've sent to him :-(

Oh well, c'est la vie!

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You must be mad Chis I often look for stuff on the net but you go to extremes, you should start charging!!
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oops Chris spoke to soon
Said person has just posted a thanks on that thread...

I personally am not normally worried about a thank you, however it would be nice to know sometimes if the solution offered has actually worked or not.

Though I guess as I post mainly in Tech one could assume that a lack of response is a bad sign and their not able to post a reply :)
I would personally like to thank Chris and Chuck......:-)
I'd like to thank them for future answers. Just in case I forget.
Thank you two as well ;-)

(Actually, Jno, your post is close to the dreaded 'TIA' which I see in some posts. I always take that as meaning "Don't expect me to say 'thanks' because I never bother with such things"!)
Me too jno they have both been helpful to me in the past, and I was grateful for their help,
LOL, thanks craft and jno....

Another thing that would be nice (which I do on some other forums where I ask questions) is if the OP would come back and post the solution themselves if they find it elsewhere. I do it as it will firstly stop people spending time looking for a solution that has been found already and it may also help anyone else that finds the question by googling it.
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thats really what I meant chuck I am noy bothered about crossword answers but if you go out of your way to help someone as Chris obviously does(and he is not the only one) it would be nice to get a thanks
Buenchico has answered a lot of my questions promptly and accurately. I think, (hope) I have always thanked him. The man's knowledge never ceases to amaze me.
a BIG thank you from me too :)
This is getting embarrassing!

Thank you, Askyourgran, Miss Meg & Yelenots.
I know, Chris, that was a kind of TYIA - thanks years in advance. Just a precautionary measure as my marbles begin to go. Meanwhile, I don't ask that many questions and I do my best to thank all respondents

Ooh Chris, you've made me feel quite bad now. I sometimes use TIA .... although I do like to thank the respondent afterwards as well.

I hate it when somebody has put the effort in to answer a Q and doesn't even get an acknowledgement. [:o(

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