What a little pr!ck he was tonight, thought it was a laugh when he told the housemates what he had said to Rachelle and was a bit shocked when they didn't agree with him.
THEN goes running to the Diary Room and ask to leave & go home to Mummy because he was afraid of the consequences.
I saw some live footage on TV today & he was still there, soo I hope they boot him out first tomorrpw night.
Josie is seriously thinking about him now....
why not 4get? ok he hasn;t been in from the beginning but he has put some life and fun back into the house, i think he's really changed it around. ok he is annoying but i kinda like him
yer he's put fun in the house but he's also been annoying kid. And some of the comments are just plain nasty. He may be joking but being called a fat cow must hurt. I think it will be either of them 2 too. I kind of wish Nathan had stayed in longer now after seeing him lastnight.
yeah he's said some nasty stuff but none of the others are totally innocent either. i'm not that bothered as long as corin, jj, john james or mario don't get it
she had to choose someone and I think she did it because Jo had been saying she wanted to go home. I think this 'girlfriend' is more a companion because she is scared of getting hurt again. And she cracked me up in some of the tasks. Andrew hasnt done that much, I thought he may have been a good contender when he first went in, same with mario, but they both got boring.
i really do hope john james goes tonight, he was a nasty piece of work last night and it all back fired on him! good!
im not too bothered who wins this year, but in a way id like sam pepper to win, just because really.
josie thinks shes got it in the bag. so yeah.. sam pepper.. or maybe corrin beings shes been there from the start.
i thought she was spot on last night when she was talking about jjames in the diary room....