hands quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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hands quiz

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cozzer | 20:40 Thu 19th Aug 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
looking at my answers i thnk all answer start with either h -a -n d s could be wrong thou gh if so sorry 1 its found in a rush in gleneagles 2 its just the ticket in plane money 3 name of a river which sounds like a letter
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1 looks like it should be eagle
3. Dee
Do the answers have a theme? 1. could be shingle
Jan eagle is in gleneagles and is 2 under par so you would be in a rush to get it. Sounds right to me
But if Cozzer is right and they start with H, A, N, D or S, then 'eagle' won't fit that.

As Jan says, 'Shingle' is hidden in the clue and DOES start with an S (but why it should be the answer, I have no idea).
Anemone is in the clue in 2, starts with an 'a' but again how it fits the clue is a mystery.
Unless there is a theme to the quiz other than hands......
shingle, anemone....seaside perhaps ?
Question Author
thanks everyone its h.a.n.d.s,quiz which are a mix of general knowledge cryptic and anagrams
2. What do you collect when you fill up at the shell station!

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